I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome in 2003. Since the I've been trying to work out exactly what that means for me. This blog will be the repository for anything useful or interesting that I discover in the course of my research. It is also very much a work in progress. I will also try to link to any interesting new developments or articles that come to my attention.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Autistic traits 'spread widely'

Professor David Skuse...said the results did not downplay the genuine impact of more severe autism.

"What this does suggest is that drawing a dividing line between those with autism and the rest of the population involves taking an arbitrary decision."

"Clinicians and those involved in education need to aware that there are children who do not have autism but who nevertheless have somewhat elevated levels of autistic traits - our research suggests that these children are at slightly greater risk of developing behavioural and emotional problems."


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